The Adrenal Reset Diet

April 17, 2017

In The Adrenal Reset Diet, Dr. Alan Christianson provides a pioneering plan for optimal function of these small but powerful organs.

The Adrenal Reset Diet by"Alan Christianson, NMD"

The Adrenal Reset Diet

GO FROM WIRED AND TIRED TO LEAN AND THRIVING… Why are people gaining weight faster than ever before? The idea that people simply eat too much is no longer supported by science. The emerging idea is that weight gain is a survival response. Our bodies are under attack from all directions—an overabundance of processed food, a polluted world, and the pressures of daily life all take their toll. These attacks hit a little known but very important set of glands, the adrenals, particularly hard. One of their many jobs is to maintain a normal cortisol rhythm (cortisol is a hormone associated with both stress and fat storage). When this rhythm is off, we can become overwhelmed more quickly, fatigued, gain weight, and eventually, develop even more severe health issues such as heart disease or diabetes. Unsuspecting dieters cause more harm than good by reducing the number of calories or carbohydrates they consume, which can disrupt cortisol production and cause weight gain. In The Adrenal Reset Diet, Dr. Alan Christianson provides a pioneering plan for optimal function of these small but powerful organs. His patient-tested weight-loss program is the culmination of decades of clinical experience and over 75,000 patient-care visits. In a study at his clinic, participants on the Adrenal Reset Diet reset their cortisol levels by over 50% while losing an average of over 2 inches off their waists and 9 pounds of weight in 30 days. What can you expect? • Learn whether your adrenals are Stressed, Wired and Tired, or Crashed and which adrenal tonics, exercises, and foods are best for you • The clinically proven shakes, juices, and other delicious recipes, to use for your Reset • New ways to turn off the triggers of weight gain with carbohydrate cycling, circadian repair, and simple breathing exercises • An easy 7-day ARD eating plan to move your and your adrenals from Surviving to Thriving From the Hardcover edition.

The Adrenal Reset Diet
By:"Alan Christianson, NMD"
Published on 2014-12-30 by Harmony


Ebook Title : The Adrenal Reset Diet

ETAG : 1Bc1brTKdKA

ISBN_13 Code : 9780804140546

ISBN_10 Code : 0804140545

Book Print Type : BOOK

Rank : 33 for keyword iphone hard reset

Book Author :"Alan Christianson, NMD"

Publisher : Harmony

Book Pages Count : 288

Print Type : BOOK

Book's Categories :"Health & Fitness"

Books Language : en


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