iPad Portable Genius

June 19, 2017

Type the Personal \u003cb\u003eHotspot\u003c/b\u003e Wi-Fi password, and then tap Join. In the status bar, \u003cbr\u003e\nyour iPad or iPad mini shows the Personal \u003cb\u003eHotspot\u003c/b\u003e icon, which is two \u003cbr\u003e\ninterconnected rings, as shown in Figure 2.7. Your \u003cb\u003eiPhone\u003c/b\u003e shows Personal \u003cbr\u003e\n\u003cb\u003eHotspot\u003c/b\u003e: 1 ...

iPad Portable Genius by"Paul McFedries"

iPad Portable Genius

Learn the Genius tips and tricks that will make your iPad even better - now updated for iPad Air 2 and iPad mini 3! iPad Portable Genius is a practical, easy to read guide to getting the most out of your iPad. Written in a clear, no-nonsense style, this full-color resource describes the tips and tricks you may not discover on your own. You'll find helpful information about the most commonly used features, along with techniques that can help you do better things faster. Genius icons throughout the text highlight smarter ways to get things done, and plenty of screenshots provide visual examples of the techniques described. With coverage of the latest iOS and the newer-generation iPad Air and iPad mini, this book is a handy reference for any iPad user. Apple's iPad is unrivaled as the industry leader. Each generation of the iPad includes even more features than before, and the app store offers a world of ways to further customize your iPad to suit your needs. iPad Portable Genius gives you the fundamental skills that not only enhance your current iPad use, but also carry over into upgrades, new apps and the underlying techniques that can help you make the most of the iOS. Learn to: Find your way around iPad Air 2, iPad mini 3, and older models of the iPad and iPad mini Connect to a network and sync your apps, photos, music, and more Organize your contacts and track your appointments Get more out of e-mail, audio, video, and Web surfing Configure your iPad, download apps, and troubleshoot when things go wrong You've got the most coveted tablet on the market—don't you want to see what it can do? If you're only using your iPad for e-mail and the Internet, you haven't even scratched the surface. iPad Portable Genius is your handy guide to full iPad functionality.

iPad Portable Genius
By:"Paul McFedries"
Published on 2014-11-07 by John Wiley & Sons


Ebook Title : iPad Portable Genius

ETAG : 7pvStOEKjqA

ISBN_13 Code : 9781118933459

ISBN_10 Code : 1118933451

Book Print Type : BOOK

Rank : 38 for keyword iphone hotspot

Book Author :"Paul McFedries"

Publisher : John Wiley & Sons

Book Pages Count : 352

Print Type : BOOK

Book's Categories :"Computers"

Books Language : en

Text to Speech Access : ALLOWED

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