Centopi iPhone 6 / 6S Tempered Glass Screen Protector [2

August 03, 2017
Centopi #iPhone #Tempered #Glass #Screen #Protector #Pack]
Centopi iPhone 6 / 6S Tempered Glass Screen Protector [2 Pack]
Centopi iPhone 6 / 6S Tempered Glass Screen Protector [2 discount

  • Colour: Clear
  • Brand: Centopi
  • Model: AP-GA03-Z450
  • Number of items: 2


  • 0.3mm tempered glass screen protector for the Apple iPhone 6 / 6S; with full 3D touch and multi-touch compatibility.
  • 9H hardness anti-scratch, shatter proof glass is used in all Centopi screen protectors to provide the best protection for your screen against scratches and drops.
  • An oleophobic coating has been applied to the tempered glass in order to form a long lasting barrier against finger prints and smudges.
  • Offering zero interference with your iPhone 6 / 6S's touchscreen; each Centopi tempered glass screen protector feature a high response time and transparency for ease of use.
  • Package contains: 2x Tempered Glass Screen Protectors, 2x Microfibre Cloths, 2x Alcoholic Preparation Pads, 2x Dust Absorbing Film and 4x Guide Stickers.

Tags : Centopi, iPhone, Tempered, Glass, Screen, Protector, Pack]

Centopi iPhone 6 / 6S Tempered Glass Screen Protector [2 Pack]

Centopi iPhone 6 / 6S Tempered Glass Screen Protector [2 Pack] best price

iPhone 6 / 6S Tempered Glass Screen Protector (Twin Pack) by Centopi
You've just bought a brand new Apple iPhone 6 / 6S; the last thing you want is for the screen to get scratched, smudged, dirty, or cracked... So take extra care and ensure you are fully protected with a tempered glass screen protector from Centopi.
Anti-Scratch, Anti-Shatter
In order to best protect your iPhone 6 / 6S's touchscreen, we use only the best tempered glass with a 9H hardness rating which means that Centopi screen protectors are virtually impossible to scratch. In addition, Centopi screen protectors are designed so they do not shatter in the event of a drop, to better protect your iPhone 6 / 6S's screen from damage.
Fingerprint & Smudge Resistant
All Centopi tempered glass screen protectors are coated with an oleophobic layer in order to provide an in-built resistance to fingerprints, smudges and other oily markings. Thanks to this coating, cleaning the screen protector is a simple as giving it a quick once over with a microfibre cloth.
Ultra Responsive, Fully Transparent
Being a mere 0.3mm thick, these iPhone 6 / 6S tempered glass screen protectors are capable of providing superb protection without interfering with the responsiveness of the touchscreen or the crystal clear clarity of the display.
Package Contents:
• 2x Tempered Glass Screen Protectors
• 2x Microfibre Cloths
• 2x Alcoholic Preparation Pads
• 2x Dust Absorbing Film
• 4x Guide Stickers

Centopi iPhone 6 / 6S Tempered Glass Screen Protector [2 cheap price

Centopi iPhone 6 / 6S Tempered Glass Screen Protector [2 Pack] Reviews

Centopi iPhone 6 / 6S Tempered Glass Screen Protector [2 Pack] reviews
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Centopi iPhone 6 / 6S Tempered Glass Screen Protector [2 Pack] Cheap Price

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