The Art of iPhone Photography

September 27, 2017

Creating Great Photos and Art on Your \u003cb\u003eiPhone\u003c/b\u003e Bob Weil, Nicki Fitz-Gerald. Step 4\u003cbr\u003e\n:Using the \u003cb\u003eClone\u003c/b\u003e Stamp to Duplicatea Pattern Some of the background was still \u003cbr\u003e\nvisible through the leaves, and since the bench had beenremoved I needed tofill\u003cbr\u003e\n ...

The Art of iPhone Photography by"Bob Weil","Nicki Fitz-Gerald"

The Art of iPhone Photography

The Art of iPhone Photography explores how 45 of today's best iPhonegraphers from around the world conceived, composed, and created some of their finest and best-known pieces-all in their own words. Through an understanding of the artists' visions, creative decisions, and techniques, beginning through advanced iPhoneographers will immediately be able to apply what they learn and take their own photographic art to the next level. Key features of the book include: A wide variety of styles and subjects: Landscapes, street photography, abstracts, architecture, portraits, collages, concept pieces, etc. Detailed tutorials: Example artworks from authors and contributing photographers accompanied by descriptions of how each piece was created from both a creative and technical standpoint Explanations for practical use of nearly 100 apps, including BlurFX, Camera+, Iris Photo Suite (now Laminar), Juxtaposer, Photogene2, Pixlr-o-matic, ScratchCam FX, Snapseed, Superimpose, and TouchRetouch iPhoneography gallery: A stunning showcase of works by notable iPhoneographers Always on, always at hand, and inconspicuously deployed, today's smartphones empower us to record the world in ever newer and more personal ways. By leveraging the photo-editing applications found on the iPhone, professional and amateur photographers alike are able to create not only editorial imagery, but also creative art. \

The Art of iPhone Photography
By:"Bob Weil","Nicki Fitz-Gerald"
Published on 2013-08-21 by Rocky Nook, Inc.


Ebook Title : The Art of iPhone Photography

ETAG : iQHSjJp0Q18

ISBN_13 Code : 9781457182051

ISBN_10 Code : 145718205X

Book Print Type : BOOK

Rank : 5 for keyword iphone clone

Book Author :"Bob Weil","Nicki Fitz-Gerald"

Publisher : Rocky Nook, Inc.

Book Pages Count : 352

Print Type : BOOK

Book's Categories :"Photography"

Books Language : en

Text to Speech Access : ALLOWED

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