My IPhone for Seniors

September 21, 2017

Based on the best-selling My iPhone book, My iPhone for Seniors helps you quickly get started with your new smartphone and use its features to look up information and perform day-to-day activities from anywhere, any time.

My IPhone for Seniors by"Brad Miser"

My IPhone for Seniors

Covers iOS 9 on iPhone 6s/6s Plus, 6/6Plus, 5S/5C, 5, and 4S This new edition of the best-selling My iPhone for Seniors book helps you quickly get started with iOS 9-Apple's newest operating system-and use its features to look up information and perform day-to-day activities from anywhere, any time. Step-by-step instructions with callouts to iPhone photos that show you exactly what to do Help when you run into problems or limitations Tips and Notes to help you get the most from your iPhone The full-color, step-by-step tasks--in legible print--walk you through getting and keeping your iPhone working just the way you want. Learn how to: Connect to the Internet, Bluetooth devices, Wi-Fi networks, and other iPhones, iPods, and iPads safely; take advantage of AirDrop to instantly share with other iOS users around you Use Siri to get information, write texts and emails, set reminders/appointments, and more just by speaking to your iPhone Customize your iPhone with folders, wallpaper, ringtones, and much more Configure and sync your information, and efficiently manage contacts, reminders, and calendars Communicate via FaceTime videoconferences, conference calls, text, email, and more Make the most of Safari to browse the Web Use Mail to manage all your email from one Inbox Listen to music, subscribe to podcasts, and watch video-including movies and TV shows Capture and edit photos and video, including using the new camera features to take photos rapidly in Burst mode, and the new slow-motion feature for video Use your photos in slideshows, for wallpaper, and your contacts or share them via email, iCloud, and texts Save and share your photos Automatically using PhotoStream Find, download, install, and use awesome iPhone apps Take advantage of iCloud to keep your content and information in sync -and secure-on all your devices

My IPhone for Seniors
By:"Brad Miser"
Published on 2015-11-13 by Que Publishing


Ebook Title : My IPhone for Seniors

ETAG : qHaWKCdz7K8

ISBN_13 Code : 9780789755483

ISBN_10 Code : 0789755483

Book Print Type : BOOK

Rank : 15 for keyword iphone se

Book Author :"Brad Miser"

Publisher : Que Publishing

Book Pages Count : 672

Print Type : BOOK

Book's Categories :

Books Language : en

Text to Speech Access : ALLOWED

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