Create Great IPhone Photos

October 05, 2017

with. the. \u003cb\u003eClone\u003c/b\u003e. Stamp. and. Smudge. Tools. You have an image with an \u003cbr\u003e\nunwanted detail—a finger straying in front of the lens, say, or a stranger \u003cbr\u003e\ndistracting from the real subject of the photograph. It's just not always possible to \u003cbr\u003e\ncrop them out.

Create Great IPhone Photos by"Allan Hoffman"

Create Great IPhone Photos

Every day, millions of people carry a sophisticated camera in their pocket—their iPhone. Many people use their iPhones to take snapshots, but few realize the power of their phone's camera. (After all, it only has one button).The iPhone Photography Bookshows you how to harness the full potential of your iPhone's camera. This richly illustrated, 4-color book teaches you how to manipulate and publish images straight from your iPhone, without the hassle of memory cards, connection cables, or complex desktop photo editing tools. Author Allan Hoffman begins by explaining fundamentals of great iPhone photography, and how to use the essential iPhone editing apps. You'll learn tips and tricks for composition, focusing, lighting, and the other unique challenges of the iPhone. You'll also learn how to instantly share photos on Flickr and create your own photoblog. Those looking to get the most out of their iPhone's camera, and make remarkable photos with iPhone apps, just need to openThe iPhone Photography Book.

Create Great IPhone Photos
By:"Allan Hoffman"
Published on 2011 by No Starch Press


Ebook Title : Create Great IPhone Photos

ETAG : KsKTTxgvL5c

ISBN_13 Code : 9781593272852

ISBN_10 Code : 1593272855

Book Print Type : BOOK

Rank : 1 for keyword iphone clone

Book Author :"Allan Hoffman"

Publisher : No Starch Press

Book Pages Count : 224

Print Type : BOOK

Book's Categories :"Computers"

Books Language : en

Text to Speech Access : ALLOWED

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