That includes equipment to polish the new \u003cb\u003eiPhone 5c's\u003c/b\u003e colorful plastic, laser and \u003cbr\u003e\nmilling machines to carve the MacBook's aluminum body, and testing gear for the \u003cbr\u003e\niPhone and iPad camera lens. The spending, which Apple outlined in its fiscal ...
Delivering Customer Value through Procurement and Strategic Sourcing by"Walter L. Wallace","Yusen L. Xia"
This is the complete executive's guide to driving sustainable competitive advantage and mitigating risk in today's complex supply networks. Two of the field's leading consultants show senior managers how to apply advanced strategic sourcing to significantly improve your supply chain's efficiency, effectiveness, and sustainability. Drawing on their cutting-edge research, Yusen Xia and Walter L. Wallace help you go beyond mere cost-cutting and contract management to redesign and orchestrate your entire multi-tier supply chain. Wallace and Xia present powerful case studies and lessons from UPS, Coca-Cola, Home Depot, Shaw Industries, and other pioneers. You'll learn how to: Bring together the multiple business disciplines whose work impacts sourcing and procurement Use strategic sourcing techniques to create a more sustainable supply chain Integrate the use of emission permits into your strategic sourcing programs Manage procurement when the cost of raw materials fluctuates widely Effectively utilize financial hedging in strategic sourcing Deepen your understanding of contemporary buyer-supplier relationships Implement strategic lead-time management Increase visibility as a way to become more demand-driven Take advantage of recent advances in e-sourcing and e-procurement More effectively manage risk and uncertainty in your supply network Make better outsourcing/insourcing decisions in global supply chains If you're a senior manager who wants to transform sourcing and procurement into a key competitive differentiator, this book will help you deliver the goods.
Delivering Customer Value through Procurement and Strategic Sourcing
By:"Walter L. Wallace","Yusen L. Xia"
Published on 2014-10-28 by Pearson Education
Ebook Title : Delivering Customer Value through Procurement and Strategic Sourcing
ISBN_13 Code : 9780133890105
ISBN_10 Code : 0133890104
Book Print Type : BOOK
Rank : 29 for keyword iphone 5c
Book Author :"Walter L. Wallace","Yusen L. Xia"
Publisher : Pearson Education
Book Pages Count : 352
Print Type : BOOK
Book's Categories :"Business & Economics"
Books Language : en
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