iPhone Games Projects

September 18, 2017

All of the Mac games that I have ported over to the \u003cb\u003eiPhone\u003c/b\u003e (Enigmo, Cro-Mag \u003cbr\u003e\nRally, Nano- saur 2, Bugdom 2, and Billy Frontier) have one thing in common: \u003cbr\u003e\nnone of them would run on the \u003cb\u003eiPhone\u003c/b\u003e without serious texture size reduction. All \u003cbr\u003e\nof the ...

iPhone Games Projects by"PJ Cabrera","Joachim Bondo","Brian Greenstone","Mike Lee","Jamie Gotch","Michael Kasprzak","Richard Zito","Matthew Aitken","Olivier Hennessy"

iPhone Games Projects

One look at the App Store will show you just how hot iPhone games have become. Games make up more than 25 percent of all apps, and more than 70 percent of the apps in the App Store's Most Popular category. Surprised? Of course not! We've all filled our iPhones with games, and many of us hope to develop the next bestseller. This book is a collection of must-know information from master independent iPhone game developers. In it, you'll discover how some of the most innovative and creative game developers have made it to the pinnacle of game design and profitability. This book is loaded with practical tips for efficient development, and for creating compelling, addictive gaming experiences. And it's not all talk! It's supported with code examples that you can download and use to realize your own great ideas. This book's authors are responsible for some of the all-time most popular and talked-about games: Brian Greenstone developed Enigmo and Cro-Mag Rally. Aaron Fothergill developed Flick Fishing. Mike Lee developed Tap Tap Revolution, the most downloaded game in App Store history. Mike Kasprzak's Smiles was a finalist in the IGF 2009 Best Mobile Game competition. PJ Cabrera, Richard Zito, and Matthew Aitken (Quick Draw, Pole2Pole); Joachim Bondo (Deep Green); and Olivier Hennessy and Clayton Kane (Apache Lander) have received glowing reviews and accolades for their games. Pair iPhone Games Projects with Apress's best-selling Beginning iPhone Development: Exploring the iPhone SDK, and you'll have everything you need to create the next game to top the sales charts. What you’ll learn How to optimize games using iPhone SDK tools such as Instruments and Shark, and how to optimize your graphics and sound files for the best performance Insight into the art and craft of game design How to implement social networking in your game with RESTful web services Tips on rapid game development with C on iPhone How to increase your market by developing games that run on iPhone, Mac OS X, Linux, and Windows How to create multi-player iPhone games Who this book is for All iPhone game developers, and anyone with an iPhone who wants to learn how games are made. Table of Contents Simplify the User Interface for Complex Games: Chess, the Deep Green Way Responsive Social Gaming with RESTful Web Services Rapid Game Development Using (Mostly) Standard C Brian Greenstone’s Jedi Master List for Game Optimization Starting with a Game Design Document: A Methodology for Success Multiplatform Game Development: iPhone Games for Linux and Windows Code Optimization with Mike Lee, the “World’s Toughest Programmer” Networked Games: Choosing the Right Option

iPhone Games Projects
By:"PJ Cabrera","Joachim Bondo","Brian Greenstone","Mike Lee","Jamie Gotch","Michael Kasprzak","Richard Zito","Matthew Aitken","Olivier Hennessy"
Published on 2009-06-29 by Apress


Ebook Title : iPhone Games Projects


ISBN_13 Code : 9781430219682

ISBN_10 Code : 1430219688

Book Print Type : BOOK

Rank : 37 for keyword iphone

Book Author :"PJ Cabrera","Joachim Bondo","Brian Greenstone","Mike Lee","Jamie Gotch","Michael Kasprzak","Richard Zito","Matthew Aitken","Olivier Hennessy"

Publisher : Apress

Book Pages Count : 280

Print Type : BOOK

Book's Categories :"Computers"

Books Language : en

Text to Speech Access : ALLOWED

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