Neuromarketology: Harness Converging Technologies and Diverging Audiences to Create Dynamic One to One Marketing and Astonishing ROI

May 24, 2017

Something \u003cb\u003egets hot\u003c/b\u003e (media exposure, etc.) before it actually matures, and people \u003cbr\u003e\nbecome disenchanted ... we must steward our organizationÕs adoption of new. \u003cbr\u003e\n2006 Twitter 2006 Xbox360 2006 Wii 2006 PS3 2007 \u003cb\u003eiPhone\u003c/b\u003e 62 Convergence.

Neuromarketology: Harness Converging Technologies and Diverging Audiences to Create Dynamic One to One Marketing and Astonishing ROI by"Brian Fabiano"

Neuromarketology: Harness Converging Technologies and Diverging Audiences to Create Dynamic One to One Marketing and Astonishing ROI

HOW TO HARNESS CONVERGING TECHNOLOGIES, DIVERGING AUDIENCES AND SPLINTERING MEDIA CHANNELS TO CREATE HYPER-RELEVANCE AND UNPRECEDENTED MARKETING ROI. This book defines a new marketing methodology that enables you to soar on the currents of the Google era, rather than being blown away by them. Understand how to align classical branding strategies with current conditions in order to maximize every facet of your brand. Learn how to leverage emerging technologies, including database, dialogue, and personalized variable capabilities, to achieve true one to one communications. And learn to deploy in all existing and emerging communication channels to create ultra-personalized relevancy. Based on first-hand experience at the leading edge of the industry, this book provides a clear perspective on the new marketing landscape and step-by-step guidance on leveraging its unique opportunities. “This book does for marketing what the transistor did for radio. Neuromarketology offers the kind of thinking that promotes second order change. The author offers gems of knowledge that range from black powder to rocket fuel; loved the book.” – Mikel Harry, principal architect of Six Sigma and the world’s leading authority within his field. His book, Six Sigma: The Breakthrough Management Strategy Revolutionizing the World’s Top Corporations, has been on the best seller list of the Wall Street Journal, Business Week, and “Finally a ‘bible’ on cross-channel, dynamic one to one marketing. This book shows us how to overcome challenges to create effective content, liberate and empower your data, leverage software platforms and benefit from converging technology and media channels.” – John Foley, Jr., Founder, President and CEO of interlinkONE, the leading multichannel marketing software solutions provider

Neuromarketology: Harness Converging Technologies and Diverging Audiences to Create Dynamic One to One Marketing and Astonishing ROI
By:"Brian Fabiano"
Published on 2010-10-19 by Xlibris Corporation


Ebook Title : Neuromarketology: Harness Converging Technologies and Diverging Audiences to Create Dynamic One to One Marketing and Astonishing ROI


ISBN_13 Code : 9781453599860

ISBN_10 Code : 145359986X

Book Print Type : BOOK

Rank : 38 for keyword iphone gets hot

Book Author :"Brian Fabiano"

Publisher : Xlibris Corporation

Book Pages Count : 314

Print Type : BOOK

Book's Categories :"Business & Economics"

Books Language : en

Text to Speech Access : ALLOWED

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