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Professional iOS Programming by"Peter van de Put"
Hands-on guidance for programming the next generation of iOS apps If you want to create advanced level iOS apps that get noticed in the App Store, start with this expert book. Written by an international software developer and consultant who has delivered winning solutions for clients all over the world, this professional guide helps you build robust, professional iOS apps at a level that satisfies the demands of clients, companies, and your own creativity. The book includes full source code and invaluable insight from the author's extensive experience. Especially helpful are numerous case studies that shed light on key topics. Explores all topics necessary to help you build professional iOS applications perfectly targeted to clients' needs Covers essential topics including creating a professional UI, networking and data processing, integrating your app, and taking it into production Includes sample code and sample apps, ideal for hands-on learning Examines using social media aggregators, real-time currency converters, QR scanners, customer tracking and quality payment system Provides in-depth examples from the author's extensive career, as well as numerous case studies Take your programming skills to an advanced level with Professional iOS Programming.
Professional iOS Programming
By:"Peter van de Put"
Published on 2013-11-20 by John Wiley & Sons
Ebook Title : Professional iOS Programming
ETAG : tjeBwumILTU
ISBN_13 Code : 9781118844250
ISBN_10 Code : 1118844254
Book Print Type : BOOK
Rank : 8 for keyword iphone dimensions
Book Author :"Peter van de Put"
Publisher : John Wiley & Sons
Book Pages Count : 576
Print Type : BOOK
Book's Categories :"Computers"
Books Language : en
Text to Speech Access : ALLOWED
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